
Inspiring Confident Readers and Communicators

Language and literacy go hand in hand. Whether your child is a struggling reader or has been diagnosed with dyslexia, our experts will build upon your child’s strengths to address academic challenges.
At EBS Children’s Institute, our speech-language pathologists have the expertise to help your child develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills for improved literacy at all grade levels. With our deep knowledge and understanding of how language and literacy are intertwined, we help your child prepare for and do well in school by building vocabulary and improved grammar, as well as developing stronger reading, fluency, comprehension and written expression.

Inspiring Confident Readers and Communicators

Language and Literacy go hand in hand. Whether your child is a struggling reader or has been diagnosed with dyslexia, our experts will build upon your child’s strengths to address academic challenges. At EBS Children’s Institute, our speech-language pathologists have the expertise to help your child develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills for improved literacy at all grade levels. With our deep knowledge and understanding of how language and literacy are intertwined, we help your child prepare for and do well in school by building vocabulary and improved grammar, as well as developing stronger reading fluency, comprehension and written expression.